Donate Links
Each link must be 88x31
Must feature Ouran, and no fanart
Save each link as yournamelinknumber.gif For example, my first link would say joey01.gif
MUST say Mata Ashita! or MA! somewhere on the link
Maximum of three links per month
Each link earns you two random cards
Donate Badges
Each badge must be 150x75
Must feature Ouran, and no fanart
Each set MUST have a badge for each level
Save each badge as yournamesetnumber_badgenumber.gif For example, the third badge in my second set would say joey02_03.gif
MUST have Mata Ashita! or MA!, and the level name on each badge
Maximum of two sets per month
Each set earns you four random cards
Donate Log Books
Each book must be 200x150
Must feature Ouran, and no fanart
Each book MUST have 20 spaces, and a spot for your name
MUST have Mata Ashita! Log Book or MA! Log Book on them
Maximum of three books per month
Each set earns you three random cards
Donate Decks
CLAIM a deck before you find images~
Must be from the upcoming decks list, or something you've suggested
Save the files in a .zip folder
Please send between 25-30 good images for me to work with
Maximum of two regular decks and one special deck per month
Each regular deck earns you three choice cards, three random cards, and one random special
Each special deck earns you one choice card, two random cards, and one random special
Donate Puzzle Decks
CLAIM a deck before you find images~
Must be from the upcoming decks list, or something you've suggested
Make sure the image is GOOD quality and is a reasonable size
Maximum of one puzzle deck per month
Each puzzle deck earns you one choice card, two random cards, and one random special
Ready to donate?
Post at the fourm when you're ready to donate!